What Happens When You Outlive Your Usefulness?

Allen Dulles and the Order of the Black Sun had started to lose interest in these women allegedly codenamed "Maria Orsic." Members of the Order still visited them from time to time, but their wives, fiancees, and girlfriends were not in a mood for competition. Divorce in the 1950s was only tolerated in extreme cases. None of these wives, fiancees, or girlfriends ever realized that their husbands never had sexual encounters with these women, even though they were comely. Every member of Order understood or was made to understand that a sexual enounter would corrupt their spirituality. But these women did challenge Allen Dulles changing him from being an insecure authoritarian to an astute leader of the CIA who would trust his top leaders to do what he considered to be "the right thing." That is why his subordinates continued to follow his wishes, even after President Kennedy summarily dismissed him as Director of Central Intelligence in 1962.

Maria Orsic

Still, after these women came to America along with Allen Dulles and the Order of the Black Sun, they were not happy. The promise that America would give them boundless spiritual energy to tap never materialized. Post World War II America was still a Christian nation that the devil had yet to pierce. Allen Dulles was working on that, but at that point in the mid-1950s, Operation Mockingbird and his other psychic research projects were still "on the drawing board."

Edward Bulwer-Lytton

The days were past when their daily conjurings were worth reading. Allen Dulles, his CIA subordinates, and key members of the Order still got those conjurings in written form, but most of the time, they were just read and then put through their paper shredders. Now, these women spent their time trying to connect with the Vril Energy written about by British Member of Parliament (M.P.) Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1803-1873) and others. They felt that tapping into the energy was the only way to get humanity to reach the next level in its evolution. They toyed with the idea of calling some of their European friends and having them contact the KGB (the Soviet Union's counterpart to the CIA). A couple of their psychic "sisters" had gone east and found that the KGB was very interested in them. But the KGB was not interested in making the efforts needed to bring them to Russia (whisking her away from Allen Dulles and the FBI/CIA was not going to be an easy proposition). By the mid-1950s, the KGB had plenty of psychics (The Koschie, of which Rasputin was one) within their borders without them needing to add more.

Therefore, they were "stuck" in America. They had made a deal with a man who had sold his soul (for the worldly things she despised) so they could get out of Nazi Germany. Their only hope was to tap into that Vril Energy that she had read about in Bulwer-Lytton's writings and learned more about from reading the works of Helena Blavatsky, Anne Bessant, Alice Bailey, Rudolf Steiner, and a host of other psychic-minded people. Yet, she felt that not one of them had her abilities. The CIA was helpful in keeping them "in the loop" on the world's psychic activities. Sometimes, Allen Dulles would call them and ask one or two of them to accompany one of his agents to visit an alleged psychic. They found most of them to be frauds, at least by their standards.

They continued to work in their "psychic lab" that the CIA had built for them in their new home in Oklahoma. It was late 1955 and she was attempting to conjure up whatever spirit would listen. It was getting close to the brithday (October 31) their leader when she would turn 60. She knew that the spirits held a "balance of power" on that day and would speak more plainly on that day than they would for most days. The Order made sure that its most psychic-inclined members were on hand for that seance. Since it was birthday number 60, Allen Dulles also came (though his name is only fleetingly in the Bible Code). That night, the spirit world did speak. First, an unknown satyr spoke and talked of the Vril Energy they could tap into, if they would only call for it. When she asked the spirit how they could get that power, the spirit referred to the eye on the back of the one-dollar-bill... that Horus could lead them to its power. The Order of the Black Sun was not impressed yet... they had heard satyrs talk about this before and they waited in vain while their "thousand year Reich" turn into dust.

But this time, the woman leading the seance took the hint and called upon Horus, the son of Osirus (Cain). A giant (Nephilim) of a being, suddenly appeared in the room. He offered the Order a set of conditions that if were met, they would be given the Vril Energy they desired. Maria Orsic begged them not to take the deal, but Order of the Black Sun (the men who desired power more than anything else) thought they had found their "Holy Grail." They took the deal and in behalf of the United States (which they apparently had the authority to do), served the nation up on a "silver platter" to Horus (the eye on the back of the one-dollar-bill). The leader of the White Russian psychics died that night... how she died, we don't know. But here is the Bible Code that tells the story:

Order of the Black Sun Kills Maria Orsic Bible Code Keyword List

Click Here to Download a PDF version of this Bible Code.

It can only be imagined that Allen Dulles was not happy over the loss of this woman. Deep down in what was left of his heart, he still loved her, probably more than he did his wife Clover. To experience her death only angered him. He understood that only these women knew how to utilize fully this Vril Energy. Thankfully, they still had her library and her notes. Mr. Dulles ordered these materials immediately moved to a secure facility (likely Area 51) and put a couple of CIA agents on task reading and cataloging all of it. He knew that the Order of the Black Sun now had immense power at its disposal, but they would have a major "learning curve" ahead of them to apply it properly. Also, they learned (likely in this seance) that a doctor that had been convicted in the Nuremberg "Doctors" Trial also had been given the secret to Vril Energy.

When we see that the Order of the Black Sun and the CIA had tapped into Vril Energy, a lot of their programs and objectives now make sense. The Seven Royal Families that controlled and funded the Order of the Black Sun (and effectively the CIA) now realized that they could again regain the control of the world that they had started to lose in the early 19th century (via the Napoleonic Wars) and now they could extend that control beyond anything they could have ever imagined. They thought they had a chance to gain control of the world like King Solomon had (according to Masonic lore, not the Bible) was now available to them.

What they do not realize is that there is an Elohim in Heaven who knows in complete detail what they are going to do and how they are going to do it. To insult them further, that Elohim wrote (both in plain-text and in code), how they were going to do what they are doing. They will soon realize that this Vril Energy is not the power they think it is. Instead, when judgment comes, the scriptures tell us:

And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? (Revelation 6:15-17)
General Hans Kammler

We continue a branch of this story in our section titled The Vaccine Chronicles. There, we learn about a medical doctor who stumbled onto Vril Energy many years prior but (with the guidance of General Hans Kammler) knew how to keep it a secret until the right people came calling. We also discovered that General Hans Kammler was busy on another front as well. It turns out, he and Martin Borman were reanimated to moderate at a secret Black Sun Conference in a very unlikely location. Click here to learn more about this conference.

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